Medication at School
Dear Parent,
This is to let you know the CISD rules regarding medications at school. In the event your child needs medications during the school day, during the school year. ALL medication should be given outside school hours if possible.(Medication given three times a day can be given before and after school and at bedtime)
In the case your student needs to bring medications to school please follow these rules:
1. Only medication which is required to enable a student to stay in school will be given during school hours.
2. ALL medications must be in the original container and properly labeled with students name. Medication sent in baggies or improperly labeled will not be given.
3. The student is responsible for coming to the nurses office and asking for their medication.
4. The information on the medication administration form must be signed by a parent or guardian.
5. If a prescription medication is to be taken for longer than 10 school days, a physician's signature is required.
6. For grades K-12 ALL medications(including non-prescription) must be kept in the nurse's office.
Exceptions are:
A. Inhalers
1. Inhalers for elementary K-5 will be kept in the nurses office.
2. Students in grades 6-12 are allowed to carry inhalers with them with a physician's note.
3. PRIMATENE MIST will only be allowed with a physician's note.
Any medications in the nurse's office that are not picked up at the end of the school year will be properly destroyed. This must be updated every year and does not carry over. Below is the form that needs to be filled out and brought in with the medication.